- No distribution of copyrighted material.
- Cursing is allowed, but slurs will not be tolerated!
- Participating in drama or starting drama with other communities will get you banned from this one.
- Treat yourself and others with mutual respect.
- Do not post anything that could be considered spam or may be illegal.
- Making fun of other people's ideas is not ok.
- Impersonating staff members will result in a ban.
- You will be temp banned if you spam one of the forums with too many messages.
- Political discussions are allowed but don't let it get out of hand
- Do not post NSFW content in unrelated threads
- Never post content that sexualizes minors
- You are not allowed on this website unless you're at least 19+ years of age
- Do not post gross/disgusting content in NSFW threads
- No kinkshaming, don't poke fun of users or content posted in the NSFW threads
- Your messages should be productive, anything considered trolling will be punished
- This community is friendly towards AI, do not stigmatize the use of Artificial Intelligence.
For more see : https://fusionfall.org/help/terms/
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