Site Rules (1 Viewer)

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Website Owner
Staff member
Website Owner
  1. No distribution of copyrighted material.
  2. Cursing is allowed, but slurs will not be tolerated!
  3. Participating in drama or starting drama with other communities will get you banned from this one.
  4. Treat yourself and others with mutual respect.
  5. Do not post anything that could be considered spam or may be illegal.
  6. Making fun of other people's ideas is not ok.
  7. Impersonating staff members will result in a ban.
  8. You will be temp banned if you spam one of the forums with too many messages.
  9. Political discussions are allowed but don't let it get out of hand
  10. Do not post NSFW content in unrelated threads
  11. Never post content that sexualizes minors
  12. You are not allowed on this website unless you're at least 19+ years of age
  13. Do not post gross/disgusting content in NSFW threads
  14. No kinkshaming, don't poke fun of users or content posted in the NSFW threads
  15. Your messages should be productive, anything considered trolling will be punished
  16. This community is friendly towards AI, do not stigmatize the use of Artificial Intelligence.

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